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Kick ass films!!!!

Heres a few films that are personal faves of mine.....if u dont agree with em...i don't care...coz its my choice!!!!

Apocalypse Now

This is the ONLY war film worth watchin!!!!...the escence of true war is captured perfectly in this film.....simply amazin!!!! nuff sed !!!!!

Kill Bill

Tarantino has done it again......deffinately more graphic than his previous films....and deffinately his best so far!!!!....can't wait till volume 2.

The Shining

Great story.....great camera work....but most of all...Jack Nicholson's best role ever!!!!!  The best sequence is undoubtedly the axe bearing Nicholson as he chases the poor defenseless woman.....brilliant!!!!!

Reservoir Dogs

A colourful film (badoom boom tsshhhh) seriously....a great film full of great actors and such a great piece of work form Tarantino!!!!  Harvey Keitel is blatently the best character, followed by Steve "bum rape victim" Buschemi !!!!!......Such a class film i cant give it the praise it deserves!!!!


Guns galore!!!! Samurai swords too!!!! An amazingly detailed film, extremely well shot, great fight scenes and sophisticated link up plot......just an outstanding film....i can watch it over and over again!!!!!!!

Hot Shots

Pure comedy genius!!!! Every time u see it u pick up another funny joke...just sheer brilliance on a stick!!! The old guy is shit funny and keeps u laffin throughout!!!!

Donnie Darko

Twisted, warped, it what u will but i understood everything in it....this film just sums up how my mind works......not many people can make much sense of it...but sumwhere theres a really intelligent bit just hiding....but the insanity shows more than anythin!!!!! FRANK RULES!!!!!

Others films i like include : Pulp fiction, Natural born killers, Session 9, Finding Nemo, Lilo + Stitch, Resident Evil, Being John Malkovich, Baseketball, Space Balls, Gremlins, Clockwork orange, Goodfellas....and more that i'll add if i think of any!!!!!