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It be me!!!!!!

Colin by name, Hypo by nature!!

I have a quality twisted world in my head....people say im crayzeh coz of the way i am...but they just don't have a fuckin clue wot im on about...which is understandable!!!

i'm pretty easy goin but i can be absofuckinlootly random as all my friends know!!! im outgoin and love to have a laff....specially with all u guys!!! i consider my self very lucky coz im surrounded by a great group of friends who accept me for who i am!!!

I'm deffinately a good person to have on ur side coz if im not i know how to make ur life hell....but for those lucky enough to have me like them then all i have to say is this...."if u ever need anyone to talk to or anythin at all....then i'm here if u want it!" 

Stuff I Like!!!!!!

My life, bein myself, my family, deffinately my close friends (u know who u are), badgers, monkeys, squirrels, movies, music, food (mmmmmmmm), football, sex, good TV, drink, havin a laff, art, free stuff, randomness, destruction, fire, sleep, the summer, wondering aimlessly with a purpose, cars, havin moolah, weapons, my bed, revenge, hating people i hate, explosions, sugar, lucozade, magazines, holidays, weekends, special waves, shiny things, glo sticks.......and more that i'll add when i think of em!!!!!

Links to stuff!!!!!

More of me = www.facewhore.com/  (search for "ck_hypo")

my mail address is = ck2_lethal@hotmail.com ......just so u can mail me if u feel like it !!!!